Project 3

eCommerce API (refactoring...)


This is a product aggregator for comparing offerings of different stores. It’s a backend API built with Node.js, Puppeteer, and API calls.
(built in Summer/Fall, 2018)

project image

When I worked on this, I was responsible for the backend only. However, this is a mock-up of what the UX will look like, as I’m currently working to turn this into a standalone app. The backend pulls together a combination of API calls and scraped data, and compares different stores’ offerings for a specific product.

Stack Details

Node.js, Puppeteer, RestAPI

My Take-aways

I learned Javascript for this project, as well as learning about RestAPIs and JSON. I had scraped sites before, but this project involved scraping far more sites and improved my understanding of HTML tags and DOM navigation.